17 & 18 octobre 2024
The Buttery, Wolfson College, University of Oxford

Comité scientifique et d’organisation

  • Samra Azarnouche (Professor of Zoroastrian Studies, EPHE-PSL/CeRMI, Paris)
  • Yuhan S.-D. Vevaina (Bahari Associate Professor of Sasanian Studies, Wolfson College, Oxford)


Les actes seront publiés en 2025 dans la Bibliothèque des Hautes Études – Sciences religieuses de l’EPHE.

Une deuxième session de cet évènement doit avoir lieu fin 2026 à Paris.


Programme (pdf)
Affiche (pdf)



Thursday, 17 October 2024

9:15–9:30  Welcome address and introduction

Session 1: Dēnkard Book III

9:30–10:00  Kianoosh Rezania & Ted Good (Bochum)
From Unlimited to Limited: The Concept of Time in the Dēnkard and the Greater Bundahišn

10:00–10:30  Mihaela Timuș (Bucharest)
Conceptualizing the Cosmogonic Myth (Dēnkard III.123, 191, 194, 362)

10:30–11:00  Coffee break

11:00–11:30  Arash Zeini (Oxford)
Revisiting the Dēnkard‘s abestāg narratives:  A  theological  dialogue with Zādspram

11:30–12:00  Ted Good (Bochum)
Method and Dēnkard III

12:00-14:00  Lunch break

Session 2: Dēnkard Books IV and V

14:00-14:30  Thomas Benfey (Tübingen)
Māshāʾallāh and Dēnkard IV on the Sasanian Reception of Greco-Roman and Indian Astral Science

14:30-15:00 : Samra Azarnouche (Paris)
Ēwēn-nāmag (Dēnkard IV) as a Mirror of the Iranian Intellectual Elite in the early Islamic Period

15:00-15:30 : Discussion on Dēnkard Book V

15:30-16:00Coffee break

Session 3: Dēnkard Book VI

16:00–16:30  Götz König (Berlin)
Considerations on the Textual and Intellectual Coherence of Dēnkard VI

16:30–17:00  Miguel Ángel Andrés- Toledo (Toronto)
Dēnkard VI as Literature: Some Metrical Texts

17:00–17:30  General discussion


Friday, 18 October 2024

Session 4: Dēnkard Book VII

9:00–9:30 Daniel Sheffield (Princeton)
Tales of the Dēn, Tales of the Prophet: DēnkardVII and Zoroastrian Sacred Biography

9:30–10:00 Domenico Agostini (Naples)
Mythical and Historical Apocalypse in Dēnkard VII. A Comparative Approach to  Pahlavi  Apocalyptic  Literature

10:00–10:30  Massimiliano Vassalli (Rome)
Weaving  Faith  and  Fiction:  Theology and Narrative Entwined in Dēnkard VII

10:30–11:00  Coffee break

Session 5: Dēnkard Book VIII

11:00–11:30  Benedikt Peschl (Berlin)
Approaching Dēnkard VIII through its Terminology: Key Concepts, Absences and Questions of Purpose and Chronology

11:30–12:00  Alberto Bernard (Paris)
Priests and Judges in Dēnkard VIII: Sources and Strata

12h00-14h00  Lunch break

Session 6: Dēnkard Books IX

14:00-14h30  Alberto Cantera (Berlin)
Beyond Dēnkard IX: On the Avestan Versions of some fragards of the Gāhānīg Nasks

14:30-15:00 : Yuhan S-D Vevaina (Oxford)
Dēnkard IX as ‘Literature,’ ‘Theology,’ and  ‘Scholasticism’

Session 7: Historical context

15:00-15:30 Kayla Dang (St. Louis)
Heirs to the Sasanians: The Dēnkard’s Priests in Islamic Society

15:30–16:00  Coffee break

16:00–17:00  Discussion and wrap up